Generally, I would like to think that I am a tidy, reasonably organised person. However, this cannot be said for the way in which I garden. The garden is not immaculately trimmed and pruned without a single weed in sight, nor are all the leaves swept neatly away and all spent flower heads removed. The simple reason being that I garden to encourage wildlife and the consequence is that tidiness goes straight out of the window, but thats okay, because I am doing my bit for nature.

Then there is the shed. At the start of the gardening year it is looking good with all the pots neatly stacked, tools hung in their allocated positions and netting etc all folded away tidy. In all, the shed looks organised and dare I say it, even loved. As the year unfolds the shed holds its own, staying in a reasonable state with enough room to squeeze inside to do the occasional potting on of plants. I would like to point out that it is not a very large shed, hence the squeezing. By the time the season is drawing to a close, any would be visitor in the garden would see me promptly shut the shed door on their approach and steer them quickly away from said shed. Out of sheer embarrassment no one can see the shed in its current state. Plant pots are strewn around the shed along with the netting and other bits and bobs . It has got to the stage where when something is to be put away the door is opened and the said object is cast inside to land wherever before the door is firmly closed before it falls back out again. A few weeks or so of this and soon there is no space to stand and all items are precariously balanced on top of one another. I could blame the state of the shed on the lack of space, but we all know that this isn’t strictly true.
Having said that I have now acquired a slightly larger shed with a work bench and shelving. It was time to bite the bullet and sort out the mess from last season and reorganise everything in the newer shed. It took blood, sweat and tears and needless to say it took a while. So there you have it once again at the start of the season the shed is looking good. I will try and keep things tidy and organised this year, but I can’t make any promises.