When the weather is not at its best and the ground is
covered with snow or a hard frost I tend to put food out for the birds on the
garden steps. March was no exception to this rule, only difference being I
could not see the steps in question. I actually had to dig myself a walkway in
which to reach the foot of the garden. I was by no means going to attempt to
get to the bird table as I probably would have needed waders or similar to make
my way through the snow. We got the usual birds coming to feed as well as one
or two guests. One morning we had a thrush eating suet mix with the blackbirds.
There have also been a couple of pied wagtails and one or two finches. The
strangest thing that I saw in the garden recently was the blackbirds flying at
the fatball feeder. After several attempts they even managed to grab hold for
long enough to get a beak full. I think that along with the apple and dried
fruit, they had acquired a taste for suet mix. The feeder that was lower down
for them to reach was covered by the snow never to be seen again
Last month I mentioned that the blue tits were visiting our bird
box on a daily basis. They continued to do this right up to when the snow
arrived. Apparently the reason why they have been pecking at the box is to
check that it is secure enough against predators and to hold the nest, although
if they keep this up I am not sure how much of it will be left. We haven’t seen
the blue tits for a couple of weeks, hopefully as the weather becomes milder
they will return.
Meanwhile, the onion sets that were due for planting out in
the kitchen garden have been planted into cell trays. I would also normally
direct sow the seed for leek in March, but found that I have had to sow these
into a pot instead. Both of these have been left in the greenhouse and will be
planted out once the plants and conditions both suit. As for the parsnips that
I started off indoors, mainly to check the seed was still viable, I have missed
the time slot in which it needed to be sown outside. I have started another
batch, so hopefully by the time these start to show signs of growth the snow
will have melted and the soil will be warm enough for these to be sown.
Outside the snow is now beginning to melt and the plants are
beginning to reappear. There is still plenty that needs to be done and any set
back in sowing will soon be caught up once the weather improves. Unfortunately,
as the snow disappears we may be left with one or two casualties in the garden
due to the weight of snow of evergreen shrubs or branches, or those slightly
frost tender specimens that have found the prolonged cold spell just too much.
Looking on the brightside though, you can always use it as an excuse to go and
buy something new from the local garden centre or nursery.