I would not be exaggerating if I said that it had been a
very wet winter. Unless you never listen to the news or do not live in the UK,
most people will be aware of the flooding that parts of Britain have endured.
It has been weeks since I was last able to spend some time in the garden and it
felt good to get out in the fresh air for a few hours. The herbaceous borders have now been cleared
and the garden is looking quite empty and open in places. There is very little
in the way of colour, although the dogwoods are looking good as always and
there are plenty of snowdrops now in flower. In the back border the hellebores
are flowering as are the primula vulgaris and cyclamen. Closer inspection of
the other borders show that daffodils, centauria and aquilegia amongst other
plants are starting to grow. Surely this is a promising sign that spring is not
too far away.
Whilst it has been cold and wet outside I have been looking
through the seed catalogues deciding what to grow in this coming season. It
would come as no surprise for me to say that I was basically going to grow the
same as last year, although I have decided after three years to call it day on
the celeriac. This year I am going to give baby corn a go and maybe a cucumber
or two.
It is difficult to imagine what the weather will have in
store for us and what challenges we may face in the garden. One thing I do know
is that I am already looking forward to longer days and eating fresh produce
from the garden.