In the corner of the back garden
is a large cherry blossom tree on which there is a bird box. Since we moved
into the house there have been a couple of years when blue tits have nested in
the box and according to our neighbours, in some years previous. Last year we
had some work carried out to reduce the tree canopy and decided that the bird
box was looking a little worse for wear and decided to replace it, with one
with a inbuilt camera. It wasn’t long before blue tits showed an interest and
had it not been for the sudden change in weather and prolonged snow they
probably would have nested in the box.
A year on there were no signs of
any bluetits showing an interest and I was beginning to think that we would
have yet another year with the box empty. When one morning bluetits were
spotted going into and soon after leaving the box, in their beaks they carried
moss. Later that same day I got the camera up and running, with some help as I
couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting a picture. In my excitement I had
forgotton a basic thing, to turn on the plug. The bluetits had been busy, as
there on the screen was the nest looking pretty much finished.
Nothing appeared to happen for a
few days and I didn’t see much of the blue tits. So imagine my surprise one
evening when I switched on the camera to find a nest with three eggs inside,
and then minutes later saw the bluetit go into the box and settle down for the

Today she has laid her fifth egg
and every time she leaves the box she pulls the nesting material over them to
keep them warm. Every time she goes back to sit on the eggs she rearranges them
beneath her ensuring they are all well tucked in. It is said that she could lay
up to 10 eggs, if this is the case I have no idea how all those chicks will fit
in that small box once they hatch.